
Registration for the 2025 Hamilton Music Festival is now CLOSED! Thank you, to all who have registered and have contributed to making this our largest festival to date. Individual schedules are accessible by signing into your account. We are looking forward to another fabulous year.

The festival will run from Monday, April 7th through to Friday, May 2nd.

The Grand Concert will be on Sunday, May 18th at 6:00pm at Hillfield Strathallan Artsplex.

Hamilton Music Festival Presents ... "Share the Music"

... a concert to raise money for scholarships.

SUNDAY, MARCH 23rd @ 2:00pm
First Unitarian Church
170 Dundurn Street South

Featuring: vocal and instrumental performances from various local studios

Admission is by free will offering

Hoodies Available

Thank you to all who have purchased a hoodie! Sales are now closed.

All hoodies will be available for pick-up at the first performance venue during festival weeks. If the hoodie is for someone not participating, special arrangements can be made.

Hoodies Available

We Need You!

As a not-for-profit, charitable foundation, the Hamilton Music Festival, run 100% by volunteers, welcomes donations to the general operating fund as well as the scholarship fund. All donations of $20 or more will receive a tax receipt. Thank you for your generosity!